
Custom JavaScript <select> component. Easy-to-use, accessible, mobile friendly and super efficient.

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SelectPure is a Web Component (Custom Element) which makes it super easy to use and customize. Main goal is to use extended API of the native HTML <select> element and provide additional features, like autocomplete, custom styling and many more. The package itself is stable to be used, however, if you’ve found any issues, please report them here or create a PR of your own.

If you want to use older version, please refer to this README.


Interactive demo with many examples is available here.


SelectPure is very easy to use. At first you have to install a package

yarn add select-pure


npm i select-pure --save

then include it in your JavaScript file:

import 'select-pure';

Important! If you want to use a minified ES2015 version, include the package as following:

import 'select-pure/dist/index.js';

Use in the similar way as you would use a native HTML <select>.

<select-pure name="country" id="country">
  <option-pure value="" disabled hidden>-- Please select a country --</option-pure>
  <option-pure value="UA">Ukraine</option-pure>
  <option-pure value="PL">Poland</option-pure>
  <option-pure value="DE">Germany</option-pure>
  <option-pure value="US">USA</option-pure>
  <option-pure value="RU" disabled>Russia</option-pure>

SelectPure instance

In order to call API methods of the SelectPure, subscribe to callbacks or use it’s properties, you can simple use querySelector.

const selectPure = document.querySelector("select-pure");




<select-pure> supports the following attributes: name, id, multiple, default-label and disabled.

<option-pure> supports value, label, disabled, selected and hidden attributes.

Available properties

property description
selectedIndex Returns index of the selected option. You can also manipulate selected value with changing this property (selectPure.selectedIndex = 2). Just like in the native <select>.
value Returns selected value.
selectedOptions Returns and array of selected <option>s. Works only in multiple mode.
values Returns and array of selected values. Works only in multiple mode.


If you want to set a callback for when the new value is selected, you can just use the traditional addEventListener.

const selectPure = document.querySelector("select-pure");
selectPure.addEventListener("change", (event) => {
  // You can use
  // or
  // event.currentTarget.value

API methods

method description
disable() Disables select.
enable() Enables select.
open() Opens a dropdown.
close() Closes a dropdown.

Custom styles

SelectPure offers high level of customisation. You can match any design you want by just providing a simple set of css variables. Below you can find their names and default values that are included in the package.

select-pure {
  --select-height: 44px;
  --select-width: 100%;
  --border-radius: 4px;
  --border-width: 1px;
  --border-color: #000;
  --padding: 0 10px;
  --dropdown-z-index: 2;
  --disabled-background-color: #bdc3c7;
  --disabled-color: #ecf0f1;
  --background-color: #fff;
  --color: #000;
  --hover-background-color: #e3e3e3;
  --hover-color: #000;
  --selected-background-color: #e3e3e3;
  --selected-color: #000;
  --dropdown-gap: 0;
  --font-size: 14px;
  --font-family: inherit;
  --font-weight: 400;
  --select-outline: 2px solid #e3e3e3;
  --dropdown-items: 4;

Example of the custom styles. <!–

<custom-element-demo height="280">
    <script src=""></script>
      select-pure.dark {
        --select-height: 40px;
        --select-width: calc(100% - 20px);
        --border-radius: 8px;
        --border-width: 2px;
        --border-color: #2f3640;
        --padding: 0 10px;
        --dropdown-z-index: 100;
        --disabled-background-color: #636e72;
        --disabled-color: #b2bec3;
        --background-color: #2f3640;
        --color: #fff;
        --hover-background-color: #404a55;
        --hover-color: #fff;
        --selected-background-color: #404a55;
        --selected-color: #fff;
        --dropdown-gap: 2px;


<select-pure name="country" id="country" class="dark">
  <option-pure value="" disabled hidden>-- Please select a country --</option-pure>
  <option-pure value="UA">Ukraine</option-pure>
  <option-pure value="PL">Poland</option-pure>
  <option-pure value="DE">Germany</option-pure>
  <option-pure value="US">USA</option-pure>
  <option-pure value="RU" disabled>Russia</option-pure>

<form> support

If you place <select-pure> inside a <form> and specify a name or id attribute, it will then append a hidden input with a given name inside a <form> and trigger change event, when value is selected.


