
SelectPure JavaScript component

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<script src=""></script>


import SelectPure from "select-pure";

new SelectPure(element, config);

`element` // Required. Either selector or HTML node.
`config` // Required. Configuration object.


Property Required Type Description
option true Array Collection of options to be rendered. Each option consists of value, label and optional property disabled. Properties for the single option object are listed below.
classNames false Object Object with custom classNames to be used inside select. In the next major version default classNames will be removed and this property will become required.
multiple false Boolean true if multiple options can be selected.
autocomplete false Boolean Adds autocomplete input. Disabled by default.
icon false String If specified - <i></i> will be inserted inside select-pure__selected-label. Works only with multiple option set to true.
inlineIcon false HMTLElement Custom cross icon for multiple select.
value false String | Array Initially selected value. If not provided - first option will be selected. If multiple is true – Array should be provided.
placeholder false String Placeholder for cases when value is not selected by default.
onChange false Function Callback that returns value when option is being selected. Returns Array if multiple is true.


Properties of a single option passed to the options Array in configuration.

Property Required Type Description
value true String Value of an option.
label true String Label of an option.
disabled false Boolean true if option is disabled. false by default.


In the next major version default classNames will be removed and this property will become required.

Property Default value Description
select “select-pure__select” Wrapper div.
dropdownShown “select-pure__select–opened” Applied to the wrapper when dropdown is shown.
multiselect “select-pure__select–multiple” Applied to the wrapper if it’s a multiselect.
label “select-pure__label” Label span.
placeholder “select-pure__placeholder” Placeholder span.
dropdown “select-pure__options” Options dropdown.
option “select-pure__option” Single option.
optionDisabled “select-pure__option–disabled” Single option.
autocompleteInput “select-pure__autocomplete” Autocomplete input
selectedLabel “select-pure__selected-label” Selected label for multiselect.
selectedOption “select-pure__option–selected” Applied to option when selected.
placeholderHidden “select-pure__placeholder–hidden” Hides placeholder when the value is selected.
optionHidden “select-pure__option–hidden” Hides options that does not match autocomplete input.


Method Description
value() Returns currently selected value.
reset() Resets currently selected value.


└── lib/
    └── select-pure.min.js


